Wednesday, April 19, 2006


Well its almost summer time..... I don't really have much to talk about... today.. got a concussion last week and my head is still a little fuzzy from it. Anyways.. i guess i just wanna say .. I hope everyone has a good start to summer!!!!!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006


There is one thing that really makes me think about how blessed I am, with being adopted into my family

Alot of my friends have either divorced parnets Or have a not so good relationship with the parnets or grandparents or there aunts uncles etc.....

I often wounder why , so many people don't have the same kinda closeness in there families that I do...

What makes there families so different then mine.. that they can't feel the same kinda love that i feel from every memeber of my family, grandparents aunts uncles.. and yes even my lil brothers and sister haha..

I'm not totaly sure... where i was going with this.... but just that i hear some people talk about there familes and and what the say about them and it makes me wounder how some one could every say anything bad about a family member, andtruely not like them!!!!. Like the feeling i had for my closest bro when i was younger like hate'n him but now.. that i have grown up .. and matured. ... all that feelings of hate r gone... and i wouldn;t know what i would do with out him as my bro!

I dunno if this really makes any sense
at all but ... i hope it does

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

What is a Friend

I often Wounder , what a true true friend is. Is a true friend some one ,who will go out and hang with u .. play pool, movies stuff like that, someone talks behind your back, Make fun of you when you are not around. To me that does not seem like a friend.. But some many people into days world. Do this to people who they call there GOOD friends.

Working at a Bar I see alot of this. So many people .. Sit there and Mock people who they call there good friends when they are not around. Or they will even smack you Down right in front of you to make them self feel better, But yet they say they are your friend.

Alot of people Don't truly know what a true friend is. and it is such a sad thing that they don't. know what it feels like .. that know matter what you do or what happens YOUR FRIENDS will never leave you or abandon you.. that you always have someone you can count on.

I duno just something i was thinking about today.