There is one thing that really makes me think about how blessed I am, with being adopted into my family
Alot of my friends have either divorced parnets Or have a not so good relationship with the parnets or grandparents or there aunts uncles etc.....
I often wounder why , so many people don't have the same kinda closeness in there families that I do...
What makes there families so different then mine.. that they can't feel the same kinda love that i feel from every memeber of my family, grandparents aunts uncles.. and yes even my lil brothers and sister haha..
I'm not totaly sure... where i was going with this.... but just that i hear some people talk about there familes and and what the say about them and it makes me wounder how some one could every say anything bad about a family member, andtruely not like them!!!!. Like the feeling i had for my closest bro when i was younger like hate'n him but now.. that i have grown up .. and matured. ... all that feelings of hate r gone... and i wouldn;t know what i would do with out him as my bro!
I dunno if this really makes any sense
at all but ... i hope it does